Charismatic Prayer Group -  A monthly gathering to give praise, thanks, honor and love to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.  We gather as a community to praise God as the Holy Spirit moves us.  Meets every 3rd Monday of the month. Contact:

Carmelite Third Order—(Sometimes called Lay Carmelites) belong to the Carmelite Order, a contemplative community committed to remain focused on Christ through prayer and good works. Contact:

Hearts of Fire Ministry-
: Evening of Adoration and healing prayer, 2nd Friday of most months.
Healing prayer:
available by appointment. (Parishioners only) Contact:

Holy Trinity Prayer Group—Propagate Eucharistic Adoration through piety, study and action. Meets for First Friday and Bible study, as well as family home adoration. Contact:

Prayer Quilters—Meets monthly to prepare prayer quilts which are presented to people in need of prayers. Contact